Category: Teaching Practice
Discussions around teaching practice.

Coffee Course Day 1: Why Is Feedback So Tricky To Get Right?
Olga and Geraldine, as guest writers for The ANU 'Coffee Courses' Professional Learning Program, have written a 5-day course on Feedback for Learning. Day 1 goes through common misconceptions about Feedback and how to rethink them.

Project Beacon Kicks Off
Project Beacon, the newly named Student Management Program Project, has kicked off Phase 1 this week with a demo of the chosen Curriculum Management System, CourseLoop.

2018 FoHS Student-Nominated Teaching Award
Spread the word about nominations for the 2018 Faculty of Human Sciences Student-Nominated Teaching Award.

Curriculum Renewal: One Week Left For EOIs, Support Portal Info and Comp Winner Announced
A reminder there's one week left for Faculties to submit EOIs (the first stage of the submission process for 2020 course offerings); support portal and key resource links provided; and the new name for the Student Management Program is revealed.

Pracademics: The Small Things
The Learning Innovation Hub and AVTS recently created two short videos on Lectern Fundamentals and Microphone Techniques. And people kind of flipped out. Why? Because it's the small things that go a long way when it comes to making the...

Referencing Drop-In Sessions At The Library
The Library's bibliographic referencing drop-in sessions, 'Wrestling With References', are running again this session. Drop by to get help with Endnote, Mendeley or Zotero.

Curriculum Architecture Policy Approved – Project Moves To Coursework Suite Renewal
As the Curriculum Architecture Policy has now been approved and the Principles endorsed, the work moves to the Faculties to commence the Coursework Suite Renewal. Here is an overview of key dates, activities and where to find support.

Academic Senate Top 5, July 2018
Updates this month include the Curriculum Architecture Policy and Principles endorsement, discussion on the purpose and composition of the Academic Senate, mid-year traffic light assessment of Senate Projects, academic GPA and English language requirements, and a welcome to incoming student...

Top 5 Tips For LGBTIQ+ Inclusion At MQ
These few simple actions from teaching staff can have a big impact on LGBTIQ+ inclusion at the university…