What is the process for Session 1 2021 exams?
The timeline for the preparation and submission of final exams for session 1 2021 has now been finalised. This applies to both on-campus and online examinations. Exam preparation timeline (s1 2021) The exams season in session 1 2021 will run...
A new process to prepare exams
Changes for the November 2020 exam period aim to improve the quality of exams and the student experience.
Returning to campus: small group classes with an online option
Tips and tricks for blended synchronous teaching in mixed on-campus and online classes.
Digital Assessment in real and virtual worlds
A big week exploring digital assessment in transition, in STEM and in virtual worlds.
Online exam preparation advice for students
Macquarie University has released a suite of resources to help students get ready for upcoming online exams.
Macquarie University Principles for the conduct of formal examinations during the COVID-19 emergency
General principles for conducting formal examinations in Session 1, 2020
In the time of COVID-19: What about academic integrity!?
The reaction to the COVID19 pandemic seeing a tectonic shift in the mix of assessment tasks - what are the implications for academic integrity?
In the time of COVID-19: What about the exam?
The replacement of face to face invigilated examinations has been exercising many minds since the start of the COVID19 emergency. What are the options?
In the time of COVID-19: What about the bandwidth? Facilitating online learning using Low-data tools and technologies
Don't overdo the tech in the COVID19 rush online. There are benefits in keeping it Low-fi.