From Session 1 2024, Macquarie University has adopted the use of five internationally recognised and authoritative referencing styles for use in coursework studies. These are: AGLC4, APA7, Chicago17 (A-Footnotes), IEEE and Vancouver.
This change is an outcome of the Academic Integrity Taskforce, Our Approach to Referencing Project (2022-2023) and aims to reduce the stress and confusion many students experience around referencing.
Students emphasised that they want support from MQ produced referencing guides, and as a result the Library is launching five new guides this week to support the adopted styles.
These guides can be found via a direct link on the iLearn ribbon or via the Library Subject and Research guide home page

Building on our advice last year, below are a few easy ways you can support students in developing their referencing and attribution skills.
- Include clear, unambiguous directions as to which referencing style is required as part of assessment tasks or rubrics and embed a link to the relevant guide at the point of need – students told us they want clarity around which referencing style to use.
- Point to advice in each guide on citing content created with Artificial Intelligence tools. The APA guide also includes advice on citing Indigenous knowledges.
- Include links to other resources that provide instructional support for referencing. These include the AGLC4 legal referencing module in StudyWISE, and the Academic Writer platform – dedicated to APA style.
- Show students the citation styles available in MultiSearch, and point to other citation tools to help them format their citation to the required format. However, remind students that they should always double check the output as even highly regarded tools such as Endnote sometimes produce incorrect citations through data mapping errors.

Banner image: Photo by SB Arts Media on Adobe Stock
Screen shot provided by Vanessa Todd
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