You may have noticed (or maybe not yet but are about to discover) that the link to iLearn Insights is not in the usual spot in your iLearn site.

Here is how to access iLearn Insights (from within iLearn)

From a large screen

If you’ve got a large screen computer, you can find the iLearn Insights link within the Staff menu.

From a medium screen

On a medium screen, you will need to click on More, then Staff, then iLearn Insights.

From a small screen

On a small screen, click on the icon with the 3 bars (image to the right), followed by Staff

Access iLearn Insights directly

This direct link will take you straight to iLearn Insights.

Coming soon: A new iLearn Insights block

IT are currently working to introduce a new and more visible iLearn Insights block in iLearn and this will be in pace for the start of Session 1 2024.

Please contact Shamim Joarder or Jeremy Hind for more information.

Banner image: Photo by Andrey_Popov on Shutterstock
Screenshots supplied by Shamim Joarder
Acknowledgement: Thanks to Shamin Joarder and Jeremy Hines for information

Posted by Kylie Coaldrake

Learning and Teaching Development Coordinator, Office of PVC (Education)

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