In the first part of this post you will find instructions for using the touch panel that is in all 1CC teaching spaces. The second section is devoted to getting set up to teach a face-to-face class where you also have some students joining online via Zoom (also variously called ‘blended synchronous’ or ‘hyflex’ teaching).
Using the touch panel to get set up for your class
All 1CC teaching rooms have a touch screen panel located at the ‘Teachers point’ next to the resident computer.
The teachers point has a bench, hooks and a drawer – this is where you put your ‘stuff’. You control everything from here using the touch panel (lights, blinds, phone, AV). It has as a computer, keyboard and mouse, 1 handheld microphone, and 1 lapel mic. There’s a power point behind the computer screen where you can charge your laptop.
There is a HELP MODE button the touch screen which provides instructions for activating everything in the room.

This 8 minute video walks you through using the touch panel to operate the technology in the room. It covers:
- what technology is in the room
- using the quick start function
- controlling lights and blinds
- sharing & projecting content to the students, including showing content from your laptop and the resident computer at the same time, changing slides
- using the ceiling camera
- audio settings
- rooms with group work pods
Getting set up for a blended class using Zoom
If you’re teaching in-class and online students in Zoom at the same time from within a 1CC teaching space, then this Quick Start Guide, teaching tips and troubleshooting advice will help to ensure it goes as smoothly as possible.
Quick start guide for teaching via Zoom
Follow these steps to get set up for teaching via Zoom in 1CC:
- Start the AV system using the AV touch panel.
- Log into the Resident PC.
- Open Zoom and start the meeting.
- In Zoom: use ‘screen share’ to display the content (e.g. Power point).
- On the AV touch panel: route the Resident PC display to the Projector screen(s).
- On the AV touch panel: move the ceiling camera view as desired.
- Turn on the room microphone: wear the lapel mic or use the handheld microphone. (Don’t forget to return the mics to the power charger at the Teacher’s point at the end of class).
OR watch this video that runs you through these quick start steps:
Teaching tips and troubleshooting for blend sync teaching in 1CC
TIPS FROM TEACHERS: Juggling online and on-campus students
There’s a lot going on in a blended synchronous classroom – these ideas from MQ teaching staff might help to smooth the way.
To avoid audio feedback loops only have a single microphone source active at any one time.
Note the room supplied lapel mic + handheld mic are a single source and can be both turned on. However, other connected devices such as laptop or mobile phone are separate audio sources.
If sound cannot be heard – check:
The presenter must use a room Microphone to be heard on the Zoom call by online participants.
- Turn ON either the lapel microphone or the handheld wireless microphone.
The Microphone must be selected in Zoom

- In Zoom: Go to the MICROPHONE button at the bottom left of the screen and click the small arrow next to it. Then,
- Select a microphone labelled Dante USB Receive (5-Dante USB I/O Module)
- Select a speaker labelled Crestron (Intel(R) Display Audio)
- Un-check/check the Microphone button to mute and unmute the microphone(s).
Adjust audio levels
- On the Resident PC: Check the audio output at the bottom right of the screen is enabled and set to 80-100%. (i.e. ensure this is NOT muted).
- On the AV Touch Panel:
- On the right side – Check the audio levels are approx. 70% and adjust accordingly.
- Ensure the Speakers and Microphone status are ACTIVE. (i.e. ensure this is NOT muted).
Use the room camera to display the room or other content to the online audience.
The room camera must be selected in Zoom

- In Zoom: Go to the VIDEO button at the bottom left of the screen and click the small arrow next to it. Then,
- Select a camera labelled USB Capture HDMI. (the only option and selected by default)
- In Zoom ensure the screen layout/gallery is set according to the desired view
- Un-check/check the Video button to start and stop the camera as per a standard Zoom call.
Change the ceiling camera view

- On the AV touch panel: Go to the CAMERA button on the left. Then,
- Use the on-screen camera source controls to Pan, Tilt and Zoom the camera.
Tip: Save ceiling camera pre-set locations. On the AV touch panel camera source control screen, hold down a PRESET button for 3 seconds to save the current camera view. There are 4 pre-sets.
In Zoom: use the SHARE SCREEN button at the bottom of the screen.

Both the room projector and the Zoom window should show the same content to both audiences.
In dual screen rooms:
- Only the LEFT projector screen is recorded by Echo360.
Zoom recording:
- Use cloud recording – this will be automatically copied over to the Echo360 library.
- Only content shared into Zoom will be recorded when using cloud recording.
Use a BYO mobile slide ‘clicker’ device plugged into the Resident PC (or a laptop if it is being used to present).
- On the Resident PC: log into zoom with your MQ OneID using SSO and start the meeting.
- On a second device: log into zoom with your MQ OneID using SSO. Then,
- Use “Join” and enter the meeting ID.
Note: if you don’t know the meeting ID, on the resident PC, in Zoom go to ‘Participants’, ‘Invite’, then ‘copy invite link’. Use an email to send the meeting link to yourself. Retrieve the email on the second device and use the link. - On the second device, Zoom will then ask if you want to “Reclaim Host”.
- Press “Stay Cohost” to keep host on the Resident PC.
- Repeat for other devices as required *.
*Note: Zoom simultaneous login limits:
In Feb 2022, Zoom was tested with 4 laptops and 2 phones on a single MQ staff account as a host/co-host using the process outlined above – but “your mileage may vary”. Officially – you can be signed in to Zoom on one computer, one tablet, and one phone at a time. If you sign into an additional device while logged into another device of the same type, you will be logged out automatically on the first device.
By having other devices joined to Zoom – you can:
- Present from a laptop while using the Resident PC to display the Zoom window on the projector screen. On the laptop: use the SHARE SCREEN button at the bottom of the screen.*
- See the student’s view. In a dual screen room could display this view on the right-side projector.
- Use a smart phone to share further content, or as a (second) mobile camera or as a (second) mobile microphone (be careful about audio feedback loops).
* Note: To avoid audio feedback loops ensure that the laptop microphones and speakers are muted. The room mic and speakers must still be used.
- Using the AV touch panel: Use the ceiling camera controls to move and Zoom into the document placed on a table or the movable lectern.
- Be sure the camera source is being sent to the room projector.
- In Zoom: Set the ceiling camera as the video source in Zoom.
- At the top of the Zoom screen: set the VIEW to single speaker configuration.

Note: you may need to stop screen/desktop sharing if this was enabled.
A USB microphone or USB webcam plugged into the Resident PC can be selected in Zoom.
• Rule of thumb for microphones: Only have a single microphone source active at any one time.
• Rule of thumb for loud speakers: Only have a single set of speakers active at any one time.
• Reduce the speaker volume to reduce the chance of audio feedback.
• If joining Zoom with an extra device to serve as a microphone then you may need to reduce the room speaker volume using the AV touch panel.
• You may also need to mute the sound speaker in the Zoom app on that second device to avoid sound delay echos.
A copy of the teaching tips and troubleshooting guide has been placed in the draw under the Teacher’s Point in all 1CC rooms.
Frequently asked questions about teaching in 1CC
Things to know before your first class:
I’ve heard there are no lecterns in 1CC. Is this correct?
Yes, that’s correct. There is a portable note stand on wheels (image to the right) that you can move around the room with you and put your papers on (but note that it does not have an inbuilt microphone and you can’t connect any technology to it). The technology controls are at the Teachers Point.

Do the windows open?
No, there are no openable windows. All the rooms are air conditioned and controlled centrally (i.e. there are no in-room air conditioning controls). There are some terraces where you can go outside.
Is there a visualiser (document camera) in the room?
No, these rooms have not been equipped with a visualiser. There is visualiser capability via the ceiling camera.
My students will be using whiteboards during class – do I need to bring my own set of whiteboard markers?
Yes, staff will need to bring their own whiteboard markers (and eraser) as there is no supply of these in the room.
What else do I need to bring to class?
Depending on how you intend to use the room, you may like to consider bringing:
- Whiteboard markers and an eraser
- Adaptors – there are HDMI cables in the room but depending on your device, you may need a different adaptor e.g usb-c to HDMI adapter.
- Clicker or pointer: If you intend to walk through the room while using the audio-visual equipment, you may want to BYO clicker or wireless mouse. Alternatively connect a mobile device (tablet or phone) via Air Server Connect to present content from the mobile device.
- Butchers paper and pins for the felt walls.
If I move the furniture during my class, do I need to move it back at the end of class? How should I leave the room?
The room should be left tidy for the next class but there is no requirement to return the room to any particular layout. Staff are encouraged to move the furniture around to configurations that best suit the desired learning environment. You may come up with innovative new layouts that the architects had not even thought of!
However, furniture movement between rooms is an absolute no-no. Each room has specific furniture allocated to it and there should be no mixing of furniture between rooms otherwise the design features of the spaces will be lost.
The furniture is designed to be fully mobile to allow flexibility in the way the spaces are used.
Tables in most of the rooms can be moved around to create small or large groups.

Using the technology and features of the room during class:
How do I log into the room for the first time?
When using a new room and its resident PC for the first time, users should allow time to log in and for the PC to configure for the new user. This may take approx. 10 minutes.
You will also be required to check the settings are correct for your camera and microphone in the Zoom application if teaching a Hybrid session. These settings and configurations will be memorised for future sessions and require less time to start up.
Are the blinds and lights easy to operate?
Yes, the default setting is for the blinds to be open and the lights to be on. There are instructions at the Teacher’s Point on how to put the blinds up and down (together or independently), and dim the lights, if you need to darken the room for presentations. Note that the shades (but not the blackout blinds) may come down automatically depending on the time of day and orientation of the room in relation to the sun. This is an automated setting to achieve Greenstar compliance.
How do I connect my laptop to the AV in the room?
Connect your laptop using the HDMI cable located at the teacher’s point. HDMI cables are provided for students in rooms where there are group pods. Both teachers and students will need to bring their own adapter if the laptop does not have a HDMI out. For example, most MacBook laptops from 2016-2021 require a USB-C to HDMI adapter to connect to an external display.
Can teachers charge their laptop during class?
Yes, there are 2 power point sockets behind the resident computer monitor located at the teacher point.
Can students charge their laptops?
Yes, there are power points located around the rooms for students to charge their laptops, however, please note that there are only a limited number of power points. Most of the moveable tables and chairs don’t have any option for charging laptops. In the larger rooms, such as 101 and 109, there are power points located under the fixed booths and benches. In the active learning rooms, where there are group pod workspaces, there are also power points where students can charge their laptops (however there won’t be enough to accommodate every student at the same time). Like most other teaching spaces, power points are limited, and the expectation Is that students make sure their devices are charged before each class.
How do I project a physical document so that the whole class can view it since there is no visualiser?
It is possible to use the camera in the room (mounted on the ceiling) as a visualiser by placing the moveable lectern directly underneath and using the controls on the touch panel to position and zoom in on a document. Please note that due to the different layout and sizes of the rooms, the cameras are positioned in slightly different areas, and may not be ideal for everyone’s teaching style. Alternatively, you can use a mobile device such as an iPhone/tablet to zoom in on a paper using the camera on the device, while sharing with AirServer.
Can students share information within their group (by displaying information from their own laptop to their groups screen?)
Students can easily share information from their laptop device in active learning space rooms where there are group pods.
How do I change slides on the screen without having to race back to the Teachers point?
We recommend that teaching staff bring their own USB clicker device and connect it to the resident PC in the room via the USB port on the front of the resident computer.
How do I make best use of the ceiling camera? What can you do with it?
The ceiling camera can be controlled via the touch panel by selecting the camera icon, once the system has been turned on. The ceiling camera control will have 4 arrows which can be used to move the camera up and down, side to side. The ceiling camera can be used to record through Echo and is automatically routed, meaning that, once selected, the feed is automatically sent to echo. There are 4 savable pre-sets, which can be changed to suit your teaching requirements. This can be done by positioning the camera and then holding down one of the preset buttons (1-4) for around 3-5 seconds, the pre-set option will blink a few times to indicate that the pre-set has been saved. Doing this allows you to switch between different shots effortlessly – perfect for demonstrations, presentations and group work.
How can the in room microphones be used?
There are 2 microphones in the room, a lapel microphone and a handheld microphone. These both can be used by turning them on, however the system must be ON! They should already be sync’d to the room and will be ready for use.
What if I have a technology hiccup in the middle of my class?
Call AVTS on 9850 7571.
During Sessions 1 and 2, AVTS is staffed between 8am – 8pm Monday to Friday. During other times AVTS is staffed between 8:30am – 4:30pm Monday to Friday.
Tips from teaching staff using the spaces:
Here’s what staff who have taught in these spaces have to say
- Take whiteboard markers with you – and erasers. There is a lot of space for whiteboard drawing.
- Take butcher’s paper and pins for the felt walls. Get the students drawing and brainstorming with paper and markers.
- Use as many student senses as possible. The rooms are meant to get the students active and physically, and mentally engaged in the learning experience. Students can physically move around easily and feel comfortable.
- If you intend to walk through the room while using the audio-visual equipment, you may want to BYO “clicker” or wireless mouse.
- Bringing some name tags for students in the initial few weeks helps you learn their names and makes the space more personal.
- Collaborative furniture means students can work together. They can research, discuss, create new content, and become part of the learning experience – you just need to facilitate it.
- Let students make decisions about where they sit and how they sit – student choice is an important part of engaging students – let them make choices so they are prepared to connect to the learning. Students automatically seemed to gravitate towards the style of seating they preferred.
- Meet up with other teachers who are using the room, or similar rooms, and share ideas.
I suggest other staff teaching there for the first time get a run through on the AV because ’while it is intuitive, it’s only intuitive if you have a sort of an idea how it all works in the first place.’

Please ask for technical support in the classroom if you need it.
Call the AV HELP DESK: (02) 9850 7571
Acknowledgments: Thanks to the following staff for contributing to the development of these resources: Daniel Pinto, Peter Attard, Mathew Hillier, Karina Luzia, Alison Hayward, Kylie Coaldrake
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