After some house-keeping, we’ll pick up the pace with a guide to show you the quickest ways to share recordings in Echo360.

First, some housekeeping:
Automatic live streams and recordings have been scheduled in Echo360 for Session 2. If your face-to-face lecture or seminar is timetabled in one of the 260 classrooms and theatres across MQ that are equipped with Echo360 facilities, your lectures and seminars will be automatically recorded and live streamed. To see what has been scheduled, check your unit’s Echo360 page via the Echo360 block in iLearn and request any required changes through OneHelp.
Now, let’s examine each of the main sources of recordings and live streams in Echo360 to reveal the quickest path to the finishing line!

If you are uploading a video file from your computer, first decide whether you want the video to appear embedded within iLearn or listed on the unit’s Echo360 page.
You can embed Echo360 videos almost anywhere in iLearn, including a forum, page, label, book or quiz. Use the Echo360 icon found in the iLearn content editor to ‘Upload Existing Media’ then browse for the video file on your computer.

If you are placing the video on the unit’s Echo360 page, click the Echo360 block link then choose ‘NEW CLASS’. Add a title and choose ‘OK’. Now select the blue ‘+’ button for the class and choose ‘Add Video’ then browse for the video file from your computer.

Setup your Zoom cloud recordings to automatically transfer to a unit’s Echo360 page. First, schedule your Zoom meetings and ensure under ‘Options’ you enable ‘Automatically record meeting’ and ‘In the cloud’.

Now access Echo360 through the block in iLearn and view your ‘Account Settings’. Choose ‘Zoom Settings’. Use the menu to assign any Zoom meetings to a unit’s Echo360 page. Click ‘Save All Changes’ when complete.

These recordings and live streams start, stop and display on the unit’s Echo360 page automatically.
Simply use the venue’s microphones and projector to present and let Echo360 do the rest.

Record and live stream using Echo360’s Universal Capture application available for Mac and PC.
If you haven’t yet installed the application, access Echo360 by clicking the block link in iLearn then choose ‘Downloads’ from the settings icon. Download the ‘Universal Capture: Personal’ installer for your Mac or PC, and complete installation.

Run Universal Capture and log in if required. Click the pencil icon to edit capture details.

Give the recording / live stream a ‘Title’ and select the relevant unit from ‘Publish To’. Enable ‘Live Stream’ if desired and click ‘SAVE’.

Configure the required display, webcam and microphone and inputs then click the record button. The live stream and recording will appear on the chosen unit’s Echo360 page.

Finally, if you want to reuse a past recording, first locate the recording by clicking the Echo360 block in iLearn then choose ‘Library’.
Find the required recording from the list (click to watch a recording) and from the video thumbnail’s menu choose ‘Share’.

Choose ‘Class’ and select the relevant ‘Course’, ‘Term’ and ‘Section’. Select ‘New Class’ and enter a ‘Class Name’. Click ‘Share’. The recording will now appear on the selected unit’s Echo360 page.

But what if you can’t find the recording within your Echo360 library? Through iLearn, locate the recording on the past unit’s Echo360 page and click the green video icon. Choose ‘Create copy’ from the menu. This will place a copy of the video on your Echo360 library allowing you to share the recording using the method described above.

Finished? Or need more help?
We hope you found something that will help streamline your use of Echo360 this semester, and as always, there are detailed guides for staff and support available through OneHelp.

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The tip on publishing a Zoom session directly to a unit’s echo page is fantastic. Thanks!