1. New course approval – Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Science

Academic Senate approved the Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Science, based within the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences.Associate Professor Tim Doyle provided a video presentation on the course proposal and attended our meeting to answer questions. He highlighted the new course replaces an existing major (Human Movement) in the Bachelor of Human Sciences. This new course provides a professional accreditation pathway for students to work as an allied health professional accredited with Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA), as well as gaining the knowledge and qualifications suitable for entry into postgraduate studies such as exercise physiology and physiotherapy.

2. Examination Arrangements for Offshore Students

In response to a question raised at the August meeting, the PVC (Learning and Teaching) provided an update on examination arrangements for offshore students. Offshore students with exams scheduled to run outside of 7am to 10pm in their local time zone are eligible to apply for a date/time shifted exam. A link to this form has been included in the information section of a student’s personalised timetable and has been added to the exam timetables page at: https://iexams.mq.edu.au/timetable.

3. Thesis Examination Subcommittee (TESC) becomes Research Degree Subcommittee (RSDC)

The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Graduate Research) provided a video presentation which gave an update on the proposed new terms of reference for the Thesis Examination Subcommittee (TESC). This included scope for the committee to provide overview of the coursework components in both years of the Master of Research (MRes) and increase the subcommittee’s ability to advise the Research and Research Training Committee on quality assurance and cohort monitoring for our research degrees.  Consistent with these changes, a change in name to the Research Degree Subcommittee (RDSC) was also recommended. Academic Senate approved the change in name and the new terms of reference which will shortly be published on the RRTC website.

4. Presentation on Research Quality Assurance

The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Performance) provided a video presentation and a detailed report outlining the University’s approach to Research Quality Assurance, including the foundations, policies and practices that ensure compliance with research quality requirements. The approach follows the guiding principles of respect, rigour, transparency, accountability, innovation and efficiency in research, based on definitions and approaches to research outlined by TEQSA, the Australian Research Council and the National Health and Medical Research Council.

Professor Barnier highlighted that an umbrella document is being prepared that describes the ecosystem of internal and external standards of research quality assurance embedded at the University, and this will be presented at the November meeting of Academic Senate.

5. Update on the review and development of Admissions, Transfers, Exit Qualifications and Academic Timelines policies.

The Chair of ASQC provided a video presentation providing an update from the working group she is co-leading with the PVC (Programs and Pathways) to review and develop policies on admissions, transfers, exit awards and academic timelines.

The policy documents under review are:

Course Transfer (Undergraduate Coursework) Policy

Course Transfer (Undergraduate Coursework) Procedure

Admission Policy

Admission Procedure

Admission of Students under 18 Procedure

Deferment of a Course Offer Procedure

Academic PGA and English Language Requirements for Postgraduate Courses

Inherent Requirements Statement

Principles of English Language Statement (noting this will be reviewed by the Senate Learning and Teaching Committee in conjunction with the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching)

After the working group has completed initial work on their review, draft policies will be available for feedback on the Policy Bulletin Board.


Our final meeting for this year will be on 30 November 2021. Contact the Governance Secretariat if you would like to observe, by email at senate@mq.edu.au

Posted by Jacqueline Phillips

Jacqueline Phillips is a neurophysiologist and Professor of Neuroscience at Macquarie. She worked as a veterinarian before pursuing medical research. She is currently the Chair of Academic Senate.

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