Here’s an overview of the changes coming to LEUs and LETs and the requirements for the delivery of surveys to students in Session 2.

As we gear up for Session 2 and a number of other concurrent study periods, the TEDS Team (Teaching Evaluation for Development Services – within the Learning Analytics Team, PVC L&T) has been undertaking some additional work to implement new LEU procedures, scheduling and instruments. We’ve also been updating our communications and resources – so do keep an eye out for those over the coming weeks.

These changes are in response to a range of policy and process developments undertaken over the last six months, as well as initiatives under the MQ Operating Plan – specifically, those under the Students First and Coursework Suite and Delivery focus areas. We are also in the process of reviewing the Student Experience Surveying Policy, which will set out the new procedures and schedules for TEDS and other student feedback surveys.

Here’s what teaching staff will need to do for the delivery of ALL TEDS surveys:

The procedure that will be included in the revised Student Experience Surveying Policy will require the following in relation to survey delivery:

  • In units which have scheduled classes, teaching staff will be expected to make time in class (on campus or online) for students to complete the surveys.
  • In units with no scheduled classes, teaching staff will be expected to promote surveys via iLearn Announcements.

A new approach to LEU surveys:

a) New LEU instruments ordering and scheduling

The LEU has been revised and there will now be two LEU formats:

  1. LEU Extended (LEUX)
  2. LEU Standard (LEUS)

This Consultation document on the new instruments was distributed to Faculties and MUIC for feedback. The draft version was revised based on feedback from staff and student focus groups, and the new LEUX is being implemented in MUIC Term 4 in late August.

From 2022, both LEUX and LEUS may include some optional items – these are being developed over the next few months and will also be subject to consultation with the University community.

b) Changes to LEU ordering and scheduling

  • Initially (S2 and concurrent sessions) the LEUX will be administered in all units, all availabilities, to provide baseline data for both quality enhancement and quality assurance purposes.
  • In subsequent sessions, units that did an LEUX in S2 (or concurrent) will do an LEUS; units not offered in the second half of 2021 will have an LEUX administered in the first session after S2 (or concurrent study period).
  • ALL LEUs in S2 availabilities will be conducted in Weeks 10-11, and in other study periods, in congruent weeks (we will provide a full schedule in early August).
  • LEUs will be “ordered” centrally (i.e. by TEDS) – Unit Convenors will receive an email from TEDS to confirm that they will be receiving a survey for their unit(s).

LET changes:

  • LETs (Learner Experience of Teaching surveys) will be ordered by individual staff in accordance with current practice.
  • However, LETs in the main sessions (S1 and S2) must not be conducted during the LEU survey period.
  • This means that LETs should be timed to open no later than Week 8 OR after Week 11 of the main study periods.
  • In the shorter study periods, LET surveys may be conduced during the LEU survey period.
  • The LET will be revised this year for implementation from S1 2022.

What’s happening with other surveys?

  • SPoTS surveys (MQBS only) will follow the usual ordering process. As for LET surveys, inn the main teaching sessions, SPoTS will commence no later than Week 8 or after week 11, so that they don’t overlap with the LEU survey period.
  • PACE surveys will still be offered but the PACE survey will be modified to exclude LEU items as the LEUX will also be administered in PACE units. PACE convenors have been contacted directly about the ordering process.


Please direct any inquiries about TEDS surveys, ordering and scheduling to

Image: Unsplash – James Yarema

Posted by Cathy Rytmeister

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