The exams process for Session 1, 2019 will be similar to the process previously used in Session 2, 2018.


Once again there is a requirement for moderation of assessments to take place throughout the unit offering. Consequently, it is strongly recommended that program based committee meetings precede a full Department exam meeting. Representatives from the Faculty Standards and Quality Committee (FSQC) will attend a selection of the program meetings. Please email with the dates of your individual program meetings.


Unit Convenors will be required to provide information about their unit via the Department Exam Results Report (a shared document in One Drive here – there is one report for each Department). This document incorporates all the information required from Unit Convenors. There is no need to complete a separate Unit Convenor Report.

Exam results spreadsheets will be sent out to Unit Convenors by staff in the Student Centre. Please refer to the document in OneDrive called Unit Convenor Exam Results Processing.


Heads of Department are required to complete the FoHS HOD Examinations Report to Faculty in OneDriveand forward the report and the Minutes of Department Exam Meetings by no later than 9am on Tuesday 9th July 2019 to the:

  • Executive Dean
  • Associate Dean Learning & Teaching (Mitch Parsell)
  • Associate Dean Curriculum Quality Assurance (Agnes Bosanquet)

Final Department results will not be accepted without a completed Department Report to Faculty and meeting minutes.

Department exams meetings should focus on the quality assurance process, including the mitigation of academic misconduct.


The discussion of units should focus on the following three questions:

  1. What Quality Assurance processes were used in the development of assessment tasks?
  2. How was the risk of academic misconduct managed?
  3. List the number of incomplete grades and provide a brief reason and anticipated resolution date.

FACULTY BOARD EXAM MEETING – Tuesday 9th July 2019: 29WW 292 1.30-4.00pm

Department reports should reference the Minutes of Department meetings. The verbal report should pay specific attention to the quality assurance process, with particular attention given to the mitigation of the risk of academic dishonesty, most especially units where the risk of academic dishonesty was not adequately managed and solutions advised for future offerings.

In addition, a very brief verbal report on distribution patterns across levels and the entire department can be included if necessary, together with examples of best practice in dealing with the risk of academic dishonesty. Slides are optional.

Link to documents

Posted by Kylie Coaldrake

Learning and Teaching Development Coordinator, Office of PVC (Education)

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