Nominations now open. Closing date Monday 17th June 2019.

The FoHS Dean’s Awards recognise and reward excellence in learning & teaching in our Faculty.

There are 3 categories:

1. Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence

This Award recognises teachers (individuals or groups) who can demonstrate that their teaching is outstanding and positively enhances students’ learning outcomes and experiences

2. Dean’s Award for Programs that Enhance Learning

This award recognises learning and teaching programs and support services that demonstrate effectiveness in making an outstanding contribution to the quality of student learning and the quality of the student experience at Macquarie for at least the last 3 years

3. Dean’s Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning

This Award recognises people (individuals or groups) who have made a significant contribution to the quality of student learning in a specific area of responsibility over a sustained period, whether they are academic staff, general staff, sessional staff or institutional associates, or student groups and associations.  

Winners will be announced at the Session 1 Full Faculty Meeting on Thursday 11th July 2019

Award winners are eligible to be nominated for Vice-Chancellor’s Awards later in the year

Details of the award guidelines and application forms are available here

Posted by Kylie Coaldrake

Learning and Teaching Development Coordinator, Office of PVC (Education)

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