Welcome to Team X – a student’s opportunity to develop their experience, expertise and achieve excellence in Teamwork.
This unique learning experience proudly stands alone or you can tailor the experience to the needs of your students. You can use it online, in your face-to-face setting or in a blended format – the choice is yours.

Team X consists of five (5) interactive modules covering a range of topics, inclusive of activities and assessments, on teamwork and teamwork skills.
Module 1, Introduction to Teams, enables students to appreciate that teams are integral to contemporary organizations seeking to achieve success in a complex and global environment. It emphasizes the uniqueness of teams; introduces students to team theory; distinguishes between taskwork and teamwork; identifies teamwork skills critical to team functioning and effectiveness; and shows the significance of trust, respect and professionalism in the team context.
Module 2, The Theory of Teams and Teamwork, uses the team Input-Process-Output (IPO) Theoretical Framework focused on team functioning and team effectiveness. It emphasises theory as an important contributor to understand how teams function and the criteria demonstrating team effectiveness. Students are empowered to reflect on their own teamwork competencies and their capabilities for being a team player.
Module 3, Teamwork Skills – Communication, demonstrates how and why interpersonal communications underpinning team member interpersonal competencies and productive team processes, are vital to teams. This module examines communication networks and styles; communication in multicultural team settings; the importance of listening skills and body language; barriers to communication; emotional intelligence in team communication; and integrates trust, respect and professionalism with team communication.
Module 4, Teamwork Skills – Collaborative Problem-Solving (CPS), considers the complexity of CPS, a core team process, and its role in a team context, where people share their collaborative efforts, combined resources and strategies to achieve a common goal. Further, this module outlines collaborative competencies, discusses CPS frameworks used to facilitate effective CPS; supports the development of effective collaborative problem solving skills; and shows how to integrate trust, respect and professionalism with CPS.
Module 5, Teamwork Skills – Conflict Management, acknowledges the prevalence of conflict as a natural and inevitable part of working in teams. This module identifies the sources and types of conflict occurring in teams and conflict management styles; it explains conflict management techniques utilized to develop healthy solutions to conflict; distinguishes between pre-emptive and reactive conflict management; supports the development of effective conflict management skills; and shows how trust, respect and professionalism relates with managing conflict in teams.
The Ultimate Adventure…A dramatic setting – a challenge demanding teams to put their teamwork competencies to the ultimate test. Are your students ready to work in teams? Want to know more? Join us on the 12th of April 2019 and discover what Team X can offer you.
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