And the winners are…..

The Dean’s Awards for Learning & Teaching promote, recognise and reward learning and teaching programs and support services that make an outstanding contribution to the quality of student learning and the quality of the student experience at Macquarie.

The 2018 winners in the category ‘Programs that Enhance Learning’ were announced by the Dean at the full Faculty meeting on 15th August.

Team Award winners:

Dr Agnes Bosanquet, Dr Alissa Beath, Dr John Knox, Dr Rod Lane (pictured below with Professor Mary Ryan accepting the award on behalf of Rod)

For Innovation in Flexibility in Curricula, Learning and Teaching

The team piloted and implemented a framework for embedding peer review of teaching across the Faculty. The Peer Review of Teaching program facilitates collegial conversations and promotes a culture of ongoing reflection leading to quality enhancements in learning, teaching and curriculum practices.

Individual award winner:

Rebecca Ritchie (pictured below )

For Student Experience and Services Supporting Student Learning development and growth in higher education

Rebecca was instrumental in developing the Faculty of Human Science First Year Transition unit for iLearn (also known as the Faculty of Human Sciences Survival Guide). The unit addressed a clear need for more explicit support for students in their transition to university and provided a place where they could easily find relevant faculty and department specific information. It makes students feel welcomed, supported and part of the learning community from day one, whilst aligning to the University’s Learning and Teaching Framework through the Connected Learning Community Connected Learning Experience.


Posted by Kylie Coaldrake

Learning and Teaching Development Coordinator, Office of PVC (Education)

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