PLaCE Domain: Assessment

Online exams in iLearn: Pick the best tool for the job
A matrix of exam types and best fit iLearn (Moodle) tool for the job.

Draft exam timetable released for S1 2021- check it and start building!
The session 1 2021 draft examination timetable has been released on the web.

Changes to the Assessment Policy starting 1 July 2021
A summary of key policy changes and what you need to know to prepare.

Staff: Please check the pre-release exam timetable
A pre-release draft version of the Session 1 exam timetable (including OUA examinable units) is available for viewing by faculty staff using a read-only link that can be found in the exams office wiki page. Please check the pre-release exam...

What is the process for Session 1 2021 exams?
The timeline for the preparation and submission of final exams for session 1 2021 has now been finalised. This applies to both on-campus and online examinations. Exam preparation timeline (s1 2021) The exams season in session 1 2021 will run...

A new process to prepare exams
Changes for the November 2020 exam period aim to improve the quality of exams and the student experience.

Digital Assessment in real and virtual worlds
A big week exploring digital assessment in transition, in STEM and in virtual worlds.

Online exam preparation advice for students
Macquarie University has released a suite of resources to help students get ready for upcoming online exams.

Macquarie University Principles for the conduct of formal examinations during the COVID-19 emergency
General principles for conducting formal examinations in Session 1, 2020