PLaCE Domain: Assessment

Why does ChatGPT generate fake references?
Uncovering the ingredients that go into robotic porkie pies and some possible sweet dessert at the end.

ChatGPT and AI: What’s our state of play?
MQ's response to ChatGPT and what's to come.
Transforming Assessment webinar: Student Centred Feedback Practices
2 November, 2022 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm This session explores student centred feedback practices in online and flipped classroom contexts.
Transforming Assessment webinar: Using individualised assessments to counter contract cheating
5 October, 2022 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm This session explores the creation and use of individualised assessments that aim to counter contract cheating.

Get the ball rolling with student peer marking
How to guide students on peer marking and decide which tools to use to support the process.

Standardised late submission penalties at MQ
Standardised late submission rules come into force at Macquarie University for S2 2022 onwards.

Constructive alignment in a nutshell: identifying what we want students to learn
Designing activities and assessment to best support the desired learning outcomes.
Transforming Assessment webinar: e-Portfolio approach for knowledge sharing and e-assessment of competencies development
3 August, 2022 @ 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm This session explores an e-Portfolio approach for knowledge sharing and e-assessment of competencies development.
Transforming Assessment webinar: e-Assessment Awards: Showcase of selected winners (2022)
6 July, 2022 @ 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm Presentations and questions with winners of the 2022 international eAssessment Awards.