26 July, 2023
2:00 pm - 2:45 pm

In this free online presentation, expert presenters will share insights from across the ‘work integrated leaning’ and ‘research-based learning’ spheres of higher education to discuss the synergies between their pedagogical approaches and learning aims.


  • Professor Dawn Bennett an expert on the development of graduate employability within higher education currently in the role of Assistant Provost and Director of the Transformation CoLab with Bond University and founder of the Employ-ability Initiative.
  • Professor Franziska Trede a Professor in Higher Education and Professional Practice in the Institute for Interactive Media and Learning (IML) at the University of Technology Sydney and the immediate past President of the Australian Collaborative Education Network (ACEN).

Registration link

Please register at https://Synergies_WiL_and_RBL.eventbrite.com.au to receive your MS Teams calendar invite link.

Brought to you by the Australian Council of Undergraduate Research (ACUR), this event is co-hosted by the UWA CoP on Embedding Research into Teaching and ACUR.

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Posted by Kylie Coaldrake

Learning and Teaching Development Coordinator, Office of PVC (Education)