22 July, 2019
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Room 4ER 523

The Macquarie Business School (MQBS) Learning and Teaching (L&T) Induction is catered for new Sessional Staff in the MQBS or current staff that have missed out on our face-to-face induction. The session will focus on the overview of Learning and Teaching at the University, and at the School as well as how to engage students, how to deal with difficult students, how to deal with students from different cultures, where to refer them and much more.

This is a compulsory activity as part of the Teaching Induction Program (TIP) Module. Please register in the session day/time that suits you. For further questions please contact: Ammy Kwong at ammy.kwong@mq.edu.au


Posted by Ammy Kwong