11 June, 2020
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Photo by BRUNO CERVERA on Unsplash
As we transition from emergency remote teaching to an online learning approach, students are looking for engaging interactive content. We know that students learn more easily when they have actively engaged in the learning process and not just been a passive recipient of knowledge! In Active and engaged learning (AEL), students do meaningful learning activities and think about what they are doing (Prince, 2004). AEL improves retention of ideas, motivating students to do further study, and develop thinking skills compared to usual methods. But, how do we get started and what does it look like?
In this academic-lead ‘Connect’ session we will:
- Introduce the relatively simple H5P activity tool in iLearn which can be used to build interactive resources
- Hear from Academics who have built H5P interactive resources in iLearn to engage students
- Discuss the scholarly literature associated with ‘active and engaged learning’
- Discuss the benefits and challenges of building H5P resources to increase student engagement
Pre-session reading: https://rise.articulate.com/share/KTVEAX8Z42ONLo3sXcdAetr23-vCnCPF#/
Registration link: https://macquarie.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIldOihrTgqG9G6fDVQShLKo37CHE109NL8