21 November, 2017
10:30 am - 12:00 pm
C5A 430 Active Learning Space
Presenter: Dr Agnes Bosanquet, Senior Teaching Fellow in the Faculty of Human Sciences
Macquarie’s Assessment Policy states that academic integrity and honesty will be promoted through careful task design. But what does this mean in practice? Utilising recent scholarly work on academic integrity and assessment, this workshop offers an opportunity to share experiences of academic dishonesty, evaluate assessment design in your teaching, and develop effective assessment design to promote academic integrity.
A Teaching towards 2020 workshop presented by the Faculty of Human Sciences.
Tutor Induction Program (TIP) and Foundations in Learning & Teaching (FILT) participants can gain credit towards completion of TIP and FILT. Any questions or queries please contact the Learning and Teaching team at: fohs.qlt@mq.edu.au
Bookings are closed for this event.
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