Category: Teaching Online
Resources for teaching online.

Focus in the Zoom Room
The English Language Centre developed guidelines to promote connection and community when using Zoom with their international students.

Presentation: Using Blended Synchronous Learning approaches to simultaneously teach remote and face-to-face students
Presenting an integrated framework for teaching in blended synchronous learning environments

Studying during COVID-19: insights from Sociology and Gender Studies students
Research with Sociology and Gender Studies students indicates that flexible arrangements that account for students’ lived realities are key to satisfaction and wellbeing. Written by Dr Charlotte Overgaard and Dr Saartje Tack.

Returning to campus: small group classes with an online option
Tips and tricks for blended synchronous teaching in mixed on-campus and online classes.

Professional Learning for teaching in Session 2: It’s all here!
Workshops | Programs | Training | Resources | Communities of Practice

Teaching face-to-face in a laboratory: What I’d do.
Read this simple checklist of how to create a safe learning environment for you and your students during practical sessions in laboratories and other specialised learning spaces

Coffee Course on Teaching in Hybrid and Multi-modes
The ANU Coffee Course on teaching in hybrid modes is now open for registration.

Teaching in a physically distanced teaching space: What I’d do.
Important things to think about before heading off to teach in a physically distanced space

Zooming through Breakout Rooms
Zoom has become a large part of how we work and teach so here is a brief run through of Breakout Rooms. This is a feature that will help manage participants by splitting a meeting or tutorial into smaller separate...