With just three clicks of the mouse, academic staff can instantly re-engage students who might have otherwise dropped off the radar. Positioned in the growing field of learning analytics, ‘iLearn Insights’ distinguishes itself as an active tool for addressing the challenge of engaging and supporting students. 

Shamim Joarder developed iLearn insights – an in-house learning analytics tool now used by academic staff to give their students a tailored and engaging learning experience.  

The positive impact of iLearn Insights is demonstrated by its rapid uptake across the University. It is currently in use by 679 users across 40 departments and learning support areas, 748 academic units sending over 214,837 targeted emails to encourage students to engage with the learning or offer support. 

“iLearn insights addresses the challenge of engaging and supporting students, allowing academics to identify students who are engaging or otherwise with the Learning Management System content, thus allowing early intervention, and ultimately improved retention with targeted support.”  

Macquarie Business School’s Dr Prashan Karunaratne is one of many impressed users: “What a timely tool that helped us navigate this whole new world of online learning! To top it off, this project exudes the agility and excellence we try to instill in our students – of being pro-active and prepared with tools and skills to navigate a dynamic world. You developed this tool, well before COVID-19, and it was the single tool that saved my engagement with my students during this season.” 

The Assessment Panel acknowledged that student engagement was increased through iLearn insights whilst allowing staff to deliver their course offerings effectively and benefitting students in their learning. 

Are you interested in applying?

Applications are now open!  

Applications close Friday 15, July 2022. 

Award application writing workshops: 

  • View the recording of the 2022 Award Writing workshop (relevant for all award categories): View recording here> 
  • Register for the Student Nominated-Award Writing Workshop: 15 June 2022: 10:00 am – 11:00amRegister here >  

Please see the award writing application webpage for further information. 

All Award information including guidelines and FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) can be found on the Awards in teaching website. If you have any questions related to this years’ Awards, please contact the Operations Team

Banner image background Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash

Posted by Office of the PVC Education

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