A new Student Engagement tool has been released for iLearn Insights. This tool will allow you to visualise the online engagement of the students in your unit as a group as well as drill down to individual students. The system will by default weight student unit access and on time assessment submission to give an engagement score. The engagement settings can be customised if you have different requirements for calculating your unit engagement metrics.
The Student Engagement tool is an outcome of feedback received from the broader Macquarie university learning and teaching community. We are keen to extend this tool to include other activities, forums and gradebook items in the near future. So please feel free to add your feedback and feature requests on the Feature Request page.
Unit Engagement Dashboard

When you access your unit dashboard in iLearn Insights you will now see a Unit Engagement indicator in the top right hand corner of the screen. This indicates the overall unit engagement for the class as a whole.
Unit Engagement Calculation
You can view detailed calculation of unit engagement by clicking ‘Calculation’ link below Unit Engagement indicator. This will give you information on exactly how the engagement score was calculated and give you an indication of the engagement trends in your unit.
Unit Engagement Details
You can drill down to the individual student engagement details by clicking the Details link below the Unit Engagement indicator.
Hovering your cursor over the ‘Total Engagement (%)’ for any students on this page will display some more important information such as – how many times the student has logged in during the last 7 days as well as how many activity submissions have been submitted on time. Clicking on the ‘Total Engagement (%)’ link will even show more details on the student engagement calculation for that individual student.

Engagement Email Template
From the engagement details page you can use the provided filters to select a group of students that you would like to email. A template email has been set up that will indicate to the student their personalised engagement metrics, for example if they have logged in to iLearn and the number of assessments they have submitted on time for that unit. Unit convenors can add more targeted information as required to supplement the details in the provided template.

Unit Engagement Settings
If you have engagement requirements that are different to the default system settings you can click on the settings link below the Unit Engagement indicator. This will allow you to customise the weightings of the engagement metrics to meet your specific needs. You can change the weighting of login activity compared to on time assessment submission or set conditions according to grades received for assessment items.

Need help and next steps
Full support resources for iLearn Insights can be found in the iLearn Quick Guides for Staff on the Macquarie website.
As always we are looking for input from our users, so if you have an idea of a different measurement of student engagement you would like to be included, like discussion forum activity, or any other feature that would help improve your experience with accessing student data from iLearn, please let us know by using the Feedback and Feature Request tool found in the navigation bar at the top of any iLearn Insights screen.
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