The Student Success Strategic Framework Green Paper has just been released for review and feedback. It is a synthesis of research findings, staff and student workshops, surveys, and external reviews conducted over the past five years. More than 90 pieces of evidence were gathered.
The framework delivers a simple yet comprehensive vision of student success at MQ and what it means to all staff and students. The framework outlines elements that the University needs to focus on to empower students and help them reach their full potential. We can craft an environment where opportunities are aligned and available to all students.
“Macquarie University’s lighthouse is the beacon that represents ambition and the bright futures available at Macquarie; it’s a powerful symbol of the support, nurture and guidance offered to students throughout their higher education journey. The lighthouse conceptualises and align the elements that contribute to student success.
The elements enable staff from all areas to develop strategies that support the University’s commitment to value and empower students to realise their potential and purpose”.
All of the elements have to be interconnected for students to have a rewarding experience and to build the valuable skills that they need to succeed in our changing and demanding world.
The framework guiding principles were crafted from the consultation process with staff and students. The principles are designed to guide the development of programs, courses, systems, processes, policies, classroom environment, and anything that impacts students.
One of the guiding principles is ‘growth mindset‘, an empowering term that students and staff continuously talked about.
Staff told us “we like working at University because we have a chance to change and transform people’s lives”.
Students told us: “we are here because we want to grow, we want to discover new ideas, find new opportunities and become better people of tomorrow”.
In your feedback, please provide suggestions on how the green paper could be improved and ideas on how you might be able to better align your day-to-day activities with the approach outlined in the framework. You could win one of five Macquarie Centre gift vouchers!
Student success is owned by everyone who works at Macquarie, and many of you are at the ‘coalface’ with students, so your input is vital.
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