Cassandra Crone

I am an international student in my third year of a 5.5-year double degree – Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) with the Bachelor of Human Sciences major in Human Movement. I began in 2015 and plan to complete my honours year in 2020. When I’m not studying or getting involved with something on campus, I’m usually in a yoga class, drinking coffee, or reading.

What is your role within the Faculty?

I am currently co-facilitating the pilot Faculty of Human Sciences Partnership Program alongside Beverley Miles, Learning Designer within the Faculty. Through this initiative, we facilitate collaboration between Unit Convenors and student representatives who will work to enhance the learning experience by collecting student feedback and creatively solving problems unique to each unit and cohort of students. One goal of the Partnership Program that resonates with me is to bypass hierarchy that can interrupt communications between students and staff, and we encourage the teams to “connect, challenge, and change” through development of leadership and communication skills. This program has been initiated in four units within the Faculty this semester, and I am excited to be involved in its development and expansion.

What has been the most memorable experience with your studies to date?

There are so many memorable experiences it is difficult to pick just one! Perhaps two experiences are the highlights so far. The first is joining the Global Leadership Program (GLP). The GLP offers unique local and international opportunities, and undertaking innovative activities through this program has expanded my understanding of social issues I would not have otherwise been exposed to. The GLP has further allowed me to integrate volunteer work and international short-term study programs into a more comprehensive framework. The second experience is undertaking an internship with the Behavioural Science Laboratory under the guidance of Dr. Melissa Norberg. Through this experience I have gained valuable research and writing skills, a mentor, and connections with a network of like-minded peers.

What are the major challenges?

For me, the biggest challenge is remembering to find balance in a busy schedule. In fact, I have to schedule in down-time! Sometimes it can get a bit hectic between full-time study, work, volunteering, internships, student groups, committees, and the like, so time management has been key. Finding time to do small things like daily meditation and gratitude practices has been valuable for continuing self-development alongside my academic progression.

What are you hoping to do with your degree?

I’m hoping to progress to postgraduate studies in both areas of my double degree as well as in research. I think Macquarie’s Master of Research might be the next step, although it’s still a few years down the track. I would like to integrate psychology, physiotherapy, and research, and Macquarie offers several programs that I’ve got my eye on. As a retired professional dancer, I am eager to work with performers and to assist with the transition from a high-performance lifestyle. I am developing interests in the applications of performance psychology in the workplace and in the general population and how the physical body is integrated with mental wellness. I also have interests in neuroscience and evidence-based drug law reform, so we will see what’s on the cards in the future!

Any following recommendations on social media?

Check out the Faculty of Human Science Partnership Program on Twitter: “MQ Students as Partners” @mq_SaP


Posted by Kylie Coaldrake

Learning and Teaching Development Coordinator, Office of PVC (Education)

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