Many of you are now using the fabulous group auto sync function in iLearn. So what better time to address some FAQs that have been coming through?

1. What groups are created?

Several types.  Group creation occurs by class (e.g. Tutorial), cohort (by unit code) and internal / external.  The source of student enrolment information is AMIS.

2. When does group sync start and end?

Group sync begins on the iTeach start date, and stops at the set end date (or 5 months from the unit start date if that comes first).  Group creation before the unit start date is a work in progress – we’ll keep you posted!

3. When does the group sync occur?

Nightly.  This means there is a delay of about one day for any updates to be reflected in your unit’s tutorial groups.

4. How can I be sure the sync is working?

Ask students to check group access to resources and activities early.  If they report any issues, or if you can see any anomalies, send a help request. You can also check for users not in a group via Tools > Unit Administration > Users > Groups then choose the Overview  tab (see screen shot). Scroll down the page find any names appearing under the Not in A Group heading.

5. Can I change group names?

Yes – for example some staff like to add their tutor’s name.  Edit via Tools > Unit Administration > Users > Groups.   In the Groups tab  (you can see it in the screenshot above), click the group that you’re editing to highlight the name, then choose the Edit group settings button underneath.

There are plans to change the auto-generated names to something easier to read, but for now, you can use this method.

6. Can I manually add or remove students and staff to auto synced groups?

This isn’t recommended for students because your changes will be overridden by the AMIS information coming from the nightly sync.

Conversely, staff who have access to your unit via iTeach can be manually added to groups, and these changes will carry over.

7. Can I turn off the group sync?

You can do this via your iTeach settings – cf. Set up instructions.  The groups will remain present if you turn off this functionality, after which point you can make manual changes  that roll over if that’s what you want to do.

See point 8 if you turn off auto sync and delete the groups altogether.

8. How do I delete a group?

Unit Convenors and Teaching Staff can’t do this, but you can request this via email, specifying the groups that need to be deleted.

9. How do I get help with all of this?

Send an email to with your question, request or technical issue. To help with a quicker turnaround, make sure to include:

  • The unit code
  • Details of the request
  • Relevant screenshots

Article by Alex Thackray

FoHS Learning Designer



Posted by Kylie Coaldrake

Learning and Teaching Development Coordinator, Office of PVC (Education)

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