Are your students harnessing technology in the career and professional development space?
Increasingly, technology is used in the selection and recruitment of graduates. Over 50% of graduate employers ask for a short video to be submitted with an online application. Some have done away altogether with the resume and cover letter. What can we do as a university to prepare our students for the ever changing world of work?
Alert them to all the different portals available to them through the Career and Employment Service.
Accessed through CareerHub (our online jobs and events database), My Career Zone is an interactive portal including Career assessments, interview simulator, career management modules and resume and cover letter tips. Students can gain professional development and improve their confidence as they work through their Macquarie degree.
Complementing these two offerings is CareerWise, an online job toolkit in iLearn for student support and skill building. CareerWise offers a career action plan and plots different activities students can do at certain points in their degree to improve their employability.
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